Sunday, May 31, 2009

my work week

cabinet: sided in 100 y.o. redwood planks, framed in reclaimed lumber, filled with junk


Saturday, May 30, 2009



from Curbed: "Starting in the early 90s, photographer Kevin Bauman took photographs of 100 abandoned houses in Detroit, Michigan" (photographs are his)


i want to go here. must. see. this. must see before gone. now.

these places fascinate me. they are at once depressing and incredibly beautiful (melancholy?). it strikes me that these neighborhoods that were at once subdivided from larger parcels have been reverse subdivided by the deleting of their neighbors. imagine a new era of urban homesteading where new yorker's sick of their tiny apartments but still desiring the cachet of a big city move to the abandoned blocks of detroit and buffalo to establish farms amidst the street grid of a disappeared city.

the once fertile grounds are consolidated block by block and the streets disappear to rows of crops and windbreaks... the once abandoned apartment houses are reborn as bunkhouses for migrant workers who report to the ruralized townhouse for their daily directions. plowing digs up children's toys and abandoned fragments of heirlooms, sprinkler systems, forgetten fire hydrants, furniture... and a collapsing sewer system inverts itself into marshes and slowly establishing creeks.

the migration west of the last fifty years that continues to develop the farms of the west results in the re-establishment of farms in the east. could this be measured? could the continuing (?) displacement in the west be replaced with an equal amount of new farming in formerly urban neighborhoods like those in detroit? new development across the country could be required to subsidize the urban homesteaders as an act of recompense for the farmland they've erased... the same could be applied to logging!! the detroit of the future: a city amidst farms and forest?

EDIT: lori brought up a good idea... could the ordos 100 project be reworked and implemented in a place like this, a sort of ordos meets 8 mile concept? sounds like a recipe for michigan drug plantations, rapping architects, hmm...


the only corn i like

From GPC
also i just read on eater that Cafe Habana of SOHO fame is coming to Venice and Malibu! crazy

maybe I won't have to move back to New York! heck, if it keeps movin' out here.... another sign LA is the New York of this century, yay!!!!!


Friday, May 29, 2009

so this is cool! lulu put me on amazon! i'm not sure lulu does this for everyone, but if not i feel super special, and if so, i'm happy about it anyways! woohoo, buy my book! (it's cheaper on lulu!)


voy a patear sus computadoras

so, of course i haven't been posting so much.

this is partly due to my broken computer. yuuup, one year after a $450 fix my computer is toast once more. well, toast is actually useful and tasty, so i guess it's more like really burnt toast without the smell (and i usually like burnt toast!)

i've already speant $40 for someone to tell me my computer is completely fine and that they didn't have any problems TURNING IT ONE, which i can't do. it's not really worth throwing $450 at it again for another motherboard fix, that's half the price of what would probably be an equally performing laptop, or 1/6 the price of the laptop to kill all laptops. grrrr.


title: Voy a patear sus culos

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Translation: Spanish » English
voy a patear sus culos

I will kick your ass

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window.jstiming.load.tick('br');h = new _History();ctr = new _TranslateForm(new _LanguageSelector('old_sl','sl_select','3'),new _LanguageSelector('old_tl','tl_select','3'),'old_submit','submit_button', h,'source','result_box','dict','autotrans','/translate','/translate_t',undefined,'', 'select_text','select_document', 'file_div', 'file',true,'search','clir');window.jstiming.load.tick('prt')

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Tuesday, May 19, 2009

well, today is an exciting day, but before i tell you about my exciting day, i accidentally typed in the address: before i got here, and wow! i'm not sure i really want to put a name on it for the sake of that person and ALL of their feelings, but is everyone like that? hmmmm...

anyways!!! dunt dun-aaaaa! to the exciting part...

a new word! a glorious new word invented just today!


excepot is
it's own exciting thing! it has no etymological source. it is a free, wonderful, beautiful new word!

you are certainly an excepot and you are excepot
maybe when you leave you will excepot something.

with this word, you will feel like someone just handed you the moon and and you won't know quite what to do with it!

everyone excepotally (adverb) excepots (verb) excepot (adjective) excepots (noun) everyday!!!!

you see, it is at once a noun, adjective, adverb and a verb!!!! it is one of the most useful amazing new words ever heard or uttered by an english speaker of the late-post industrial/capitalist social construct! frankly, if someone calls you an excepot, you should be flattered. THEN!


Thursday, May 7, 2009

so today i cut my finger off. no not really, but i did slice a little chunk off the tip!! haha, i was cutting some glass and got a little too excited and, voila, impromptu plastic surgery! hmmm, someone should do some rearch on this, maybe a hidden market? well, i guess band-aid probably has that one cornered. and psychologists... then i made bandage out of blue masking tape which turned into a little blood filled sac. what did you get yourself into?? glass cutting IS exciting. i broke pretty much a whole sheet yesterday, then i got excited and got to break it some more. woohoo. oh, and my grandma leaves on saturday. wierd. beach party!

NOTE: this pictures is not actually of my finger, i don't think it was that bad actually but it was a while ago and i didn't have a camera then.  picture was found in a google image search and is from


Wednesday, May 6, 2009

happy seis de mayo

comatose (comatoes?)


also, check out this rather nice site. you've probably seen it since it won some huge award (webby) but if you havn't it's sweet! dreams!!!!

also, i'm thinking on a project of architecture made of movable furniture, does anyone have any good casters or rollers that can support some weight but not get in the way??

Friday, May 1, 2009

so sad news, our mailman at suite 923 passed away. i never new his name but everyday he would come in with the mail, smiling, saying hello to everyone. it was like happiness walked in the door with him. he had a special thing going with penny, they were buds, i like to think. the building was a classic twenties noirish office building, and somehow he fit right in... mailman, you'll be missed!