Saturday, June 27, 2009



Thursday, June 25, 2009


Main Entry: of inconceivable
Pronunciation: \ˌin-kən-ˈsē-və-bəl\
Function: adjective
Date: 1624

: not conceivable: as a: impossible to comprehend b: unbelievable
— in·con·ceiv·abil·i·ty Listen to the pronunciation of inconceivability \-ˌsē-və-ˈbi-lə-tē\ noun
— in·con·ceiv·able·ness Listen to the pronunciation of inconceivableness \-ˈsē-və-bəl-nəs\ noun
— in·con·ceiv·ably Listen to the pronunciation of inconceivably \-blē\ adverb


Monday, June 22, 2009

Ross Racine

Dave first described the work of Ross Racine to me when he saw it at Like the Spice Gallery in Williamsburg. Naturally, descriptions of aerial images of dream suburbs piqued my interest, but the lack of a name and the closing of the show kept me from seeing them. Then one day, browsing the internet (I hate the term browsing for some reason, and I think it may have been on Ben's blog), I found Ross's work!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

THIS IS (amazing) CAKETOWN!!


An amazing remix of "this is caketown" inspired by the life affirming 300 trailer pg version. Caketown has since become a term widely used in über hip architecture circles to describe the current state of pop architecture, epitomized by buildings of faux/foam detail freakishness smeared with stucco icing that are often featured on New York Shitty and Curbed, among others.


Saturday, June 20, 2009

The Putting Lot

Well I may be a little late to the game on this one, and a little far away, but the friendly folks of Meat Pallet never cease to delight with their tastefully seasoned offerings. Introducing the Putting Lot, of Bushwick New York. A brooklyn-ized revival of the revered form of childhood recreation commonly known as Miniature Golf. Good job guys! Now if only I can get there and play me a round!

Pachinko Putt Putt by Meat Pallet (image c/o Nummy Nimms)

@ The Putting Lot


Friday, June 19, 2009

Urban Edit


Urban edit is art in the tradition of art. It is a continuing project.

Landscape painters traditionally paint landscapes in their idealized form. Following that lead, the modern landscape is painted (in this case photographed pre painting) and edited into an idealized version of itself. Through the simple act of covering (often through a color mask of the CMYK range), the new landscape reveals impact and relief, man and nature and often the patterns of both. It is a diagrammatic abstraction fused with the long tradition of fine art, resulting in something unexpected, and often rather nice.


Thursday, June 18, 2009

AR(c)TIC in OC?


Design aside, this is one exciting building. HOK's above image for a new regional transit hub in "downtown" Anaheim represents a major step forward for Southern California. Intended to be built by 2013, the building will connect Metrolink, Amtrak, Disney monorail, local transit and high speed rail underneath a vaulted roof inspired by the rail stations of days past. Can this building really be designed for Orange County? (Check out the map below)

View Larger Map

The pedestrian neighborhood this hub will serve is as speculative as pedestrians in Orange County. But who says a parking lot sandwiched between a freeway and a dry drainage ditch today, across the freeway from Angel Stadium and next door to Honda center, can't be the planner's pedestrian paradise of tomorrow? Maybe it's name says it all: ARTIC (Anaheim Regional Transportation Intermodal Center). Don't kid yourself, there's no ice in the OC.

BUT, there will be ice in the OC!!

As a not so side note: This hub and it's immediate neighborhood will tie into Anaheim's Platinum Triangle (I know cheesy right?), a partially built, partially under construction, partially stalled by economics project that's attempting to bring some dense, mixed use, walkable urbanism to the area between the 5 and 57 freeways that is Angel Stadium, Honda Center, Convention center and Disneyland adjacent.


Wednesday, June 17, 2009

So I'm working the aforementioned youth design ecological summer workshop and I've been given the task of developing a day-long curriculum for introducing high school age kids to architecture and design with a specific eye for sustainability. Seeing as architecture is a huge thing to comprehend, distilling everything I know/can research about it into a day long charrette/presentation is somewhat daunting. Any thoughts? They'll already have had a week long introduction into design and sustainability, just not the architecture component.

More to come...

Friday, June 5, 2009

"We are men of action, lies do not become us"

I Am Summer Camp

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

i am an old lady

june 20 - june 17, 2007

old ladies paint. i think i do too. on the above dates i am participating in paint san clemente, a plein air painting competition focused on painting the city of san clemente, ca. i've participated in this twice, and am usually pretty cool for doing it. i even got an honorable mention once, just don't call me an old lady!

fyi: "plein air" translates literally as "full air" but is used to mean outdoors and has come to represent a whole genre of painting. mostly pretty boring painting if you're not an old lady, but people usually think it's pretty so...


Monday, June 1, 2009

and this is lori's!

...this message is intended for one laura sperry!


this is my take on the hammer museum...
