Thursday, April 30, 2009


blah blah blahbeddy blog!

yesterday i went the hammer museum for a discussion between doug aitken, catherine opie and silvia lavin. talk about art speak! "the reality of the architecture is replaced by the image which becomes a new reality giving the non-place specificity while uniting multiplicities of non-places to create a hyper place spanning the country while providing a travelling home to musicians and other itinerants." ok, that's more of a personal take-away, not exactly what they were saying but you get the point.

saturday is and

i'm excited for saturday's secret surprise!! and i'm excited to see if all the big names on saturday will result in an interesting symposium or just more ego propping art/arch babble (i'm not saying that's what last night was, it just happens a lot that's all!!). i'm also excited to go to the santa fe art colony to see brandon's people skills in action. woohoo!



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