Thursday, July 30, 2009

Urban Edit

Urban Edit Installment



  1. This edit is an interesting visual commentary about a society's relationship to the environment it chooses to settle in. What do you think it means that I see a girlscout talking to a hippo? Maybe she's the suburb's symbolic ambassador to the wild? The suburb's attempt to appear innocent while trying to pacify the beast who's land it stole to build shelters of sticks, straw, and paper? I'm going off the deep end here but its not far from the truth. Didya know hippopotami are actually quite ill-tempered and have tusks - I think the girlscout is a gonner.

  2. Yeah I guess that's why it's so interesting to me. It is very simplistic, yet can reveal so much that wouldn't be seen otherwise. Is she an ambassador though? She must be a US ambassador then! Hmm. I wish the girlscout were a goner!

    Man, I hate it when NPR starts repeating!
