Monday, August 31, 2009

Waffle My <3


Waffles are great, Norwegian waffles are greater. Heart waffles are a tradition in my family, a Norwegian tradition brought out on special occasions for breakfast or dessert (don't all great foods fit these two categories?) . The waffles are thin and can be served like other waffles, with syrup and butter, but are best with a little butter and a lot of raspberry jam. A while back, my mom's heart waffler started leaving it's crunchy nonstick blackness on the waffles, and got tossed out in a fit of anti Teflon-eating fury. Finally a new heart waffler has entered our lives, and the joy of waffles anytime is again upon us!




  1. we are having a GRAND chicken and waffle party next wednesday, would you like to join!!!? it's going to be a bunch of biology grad students and me and a lot of perfected waffles!

  2. Dang, I totally want heart waffles.

  3. you guys should come over for some heart waffles!!
